School's up.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Adobe Premiere Pro.

Did video with Adobe Premiere Pro!
Really fun playing around with the editing.
We were given 4 clips of videos titled "Chicken and I", and we supposed to edit them and create a clip of our own for the group or cause on Facebook.
I do not really understand some tools though.
But overall it was quite fun thinking of how to create the video so get the message through.
And I quite like it when i see so many different kinds of outcomes by different topics, just using one "Chicken and I".
MJ day

"50 yrs. 50 yrs. 50 yrs he lived!
So much joy and entertainment he brought to this world.
He sang songs that touched hearts.
He danced steps that shook earth.
Greatness he had brought to this world.
50 yrs. 50 yrs. 50 yrs.
Michael Jackson.
Remember the King."

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Google Map.

I created a Google Map for the site where Michael Jackson died.

View Michael Jackson's Death in a larger map

Monday, July 13, 2009


Adobe Illustrator did not make any sense to what I did.
We were asked to make a logo for our cause or group, and I thought.. it was easy..
But it wasn't.
Maybe it was my first time.
So different from Photoshop, with the dots thing after you put down a stroke, and the brushes go their own way after you let go.
Maybe I missed out some functions that could make things better.
But its still hard anyway.
Ok here's my outcome:

This was drawn by brushes and pencil I think.
I drew it looking at another picture but I lost it.
I then put in the circle and cover the outside of it in black, and added text:

Ok that's all for illustrator.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Photoshop is fun!

Yes it is!
Played around with Dali's picture.

This is what turned out:

Changed the eyes of the Dali to make him look at his cat,
and gave the cat Dali's eyes to look back at him.
Added Dali's moustache to cat's face as well.
Real fun.

And for the cause's display pic, I decided to make it black and white to give it a formal feel.
So I searched the internet for MJ's images to edit, then I found this.

Michael Jackson looking so cool in that pose.
Then I put it on greyscale mode, removed the background, lowered the contrast and raised the brightness.
Then I got this:

Looks kinda plain I thought.
So I added text and border, and it adds up to this:

I love this so much.

Blog again~

Monday, July 6, 2009

Day five: Wet market class.

Its a monday~~~
Currently waiting for photos to play around with Photoshop.
And my cause is reaching 250 members soon!
Join and support people!~
Go now.

edit@ 2351
Done Photoshop today~
We were asked to edit 2 pictures of hands and to put them together to sort of like fade them, crossing each other.
Easy huh?
Not really.
The simpler it is the harder to make it nice.
With such little time I used this is what I produced:

Not well done I suppose, looking at the hand facing down not really faded.
The palm facing up was kinda small too.
So what do you think?

The 2nd one was kinda fun.
We're asked to crop the hands out to a smaller picture, and also change the hue.
I think this is more interesting.
There are quite a lot of style to choose from, like Sepia, which is nice to me as it make it look like a historic piece.
And this is mine:

I used a blue hue to cover over it.
I like the feeling as it looks relaxing to me.
Not really hard to produce, and very fun too. :D

Now for the Facebook assignment.
I have not blogged about it I realise.
We're supposed to make a group or cause on Facebook and create a buzz.
Get as much members as possible and also get people to talk about it, comment, etc.
I did a cause "Make June 25th an MJ day" and with the great support from friends and public, it have reached 250 members!
It was a great feeling because this is my first group or cause that I made on Facebook.
And its also great to know that there are so many fans of Michael Jackson.
Thanks all folks.

Update again soon!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day four: So many assignments.

Day 4 in school with so many things to do.
Hope for members for cause, Google map, Twitter, and blog.
But the best is its fun:D
Ok at least its more interesting.

Created this blog and played around with Google map today.
Google map's cool!
We could see the world from it and how to get around and stuff like that.
Great invention.
I shall carry on with my work now.
Update later~